Her Travel Tale

We are two girls from Belgium who love to explore the world together!

Exploring the world together on our own terms-the very essence of women solo/group travellers. The idea is to break the old mindset that restricts them to follow their dreams.
We,at Homeaway Tours n Treks, aim at allowing women to travel safer by providing women-friendly accommodation, transportation, group departures, guided or private tours. The concept is to empower female travellers and bring a change in their lives.
Whether you’re looking for an escape or a group getaway, we provide all of the professional and personalized services to cover your needs. Every time the word travelling is spoken, the first thought that women have in their mind is that they now have to search a travel partner who will help them accomplish this goal. In this aspect, they don't feel self-sufficient and this certainly leads to low confidence and shatters their dream. But we understand you because we are one in you.To allow your heart to follow its will, we present to you the unique concept of Her Travel Tale.